(Section 339)
The Beacon Insurance Company Limited
Company No.: 15149
In accordance with Section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with effect from January 3, 2023.
Dated this 12th day of January, 2023. CHRISTOPHER WOODHAMS
2OFFICIAL GAZETTEJanuary 19, 2023
NOTICE NO. 5(third publication)
CLAIM NO.: LTP 0066 of 2022
IN THE MATTER OF:The Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 Section 3
AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THATland situate at Westmoreland in the parish of Saint James in Barbados containing by admeasurement 3963.5 square metres on a plan certified on the 26th day of October 2021 by Ricardo A. Phillips Land Surveyor, (Recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 28th day of October 2021 as Deed No. 1396/2021) (Hereinafter called “The Said Plan”) Abutting and Bounding towards North on lands of Joseph Green towards the East towards a public road called Greaves Road towards the South on lands of Barbara P. Burgess and towards the West on lands of Westmoreland Plantation together with a building thereon.
TAKE NOTICEthatHAZEL MAYNARD née GREAVESthe Qualified Administratrix of the Estate of ERMA GREAVES late of Greaves Road, Westmoreland in the parish of St. James in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of ownership and a certificate of the title in respect of the property described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the6th day of February, 2023.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to submit that information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, White Park Road, Bridgetown on or before the6th day of February, 2023.
Dated this 19th day of January, 2023.
JENNIVIEVE L. MAYNARD Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant whose place of business and address for service is Inn Chambers, Lucas Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael.
January 19, 2023OFFICIAL GAZETTE3
NOTICE NO. 2 (second publication)
Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011 – 7)
All that land situate at Workmans St. George containing 1874 square metres
CLAIM NO. LTP 0033/2022
situate at Workmans in the parish of Saint George in Barbados containing 1874 square metres as shown on a plan made and certified by Nigel S.A. Lucas Land Surveyor Abutting and Bounding on lands of John Gamble shown on the said plan on lands of Keith Hazel as shown on the said plan on lands of Whitfield Clarke as shown on the said plan on lands of Beatrice Smith as shown on the said plan and on a Public Road leading to Jordans in one direction and Gun Hill in the other direction or however else the same may abut
ANTHONY SMITHof 120 31 Guy R. Brewer, Jamaica New York 11434 in the United States of America currently on a visit to Barbados and residing at Enterprise Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of ownership and a Certificate of Title in respect of the property described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the24th day of February 2023and immediately thereafter serve a true copy on the undersigned.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to submit that information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the24th day of February, 2023.
Dated the 19th day of August, 2022.
Attorneys-at-Law for the Claimant
whose place of business and address for service is Seneca Chambers Chapman Street, Bridgetown.
4OFFICIAL GAZETTEJanuary 19, 2023
The Change of Name Act, Cap. 212A
Applications of the below-mentioned persons for a Change of Name under the Change of Name Act, Cap. 212A have been made to the Registrar of the Supreme Court:
Name Address Proposed Name
St. Michael. | ||
GEORGE GREGORY | 22 Gully Field Avenue, | GEORGE GREGORY |
ALEXANDERA | Bayville,St. Michael. | ALEXANDER |
SHELLY ANN | No. 3 Endeavour Road, | SHELLY-ANN |
ROACH | St. Michael. | STUART |
DOUGLAS PHILMORE | St. Jude’s Village, | DOUGLAS |
Dated the 19th day of January, 2023.
for Registrar of the Supreme Court.
January 19, 2023
Probate Advertisements | |
NOTICE NO. 3 | in this Island who died at No. 9 Goodland Park in the parish of Christ Church in this Island on the 24th day of July, 2022 by TANYA VIKKI OLIVIA CONLIFFE theExecutrix named in the Will of the deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of Advertisement. Dated the 19th day of January 2023. FRANK CLARKEAttorney-at-Law. |
In the Estate of | |
Deceased | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- | |
PROBATE of the Will dated 19th day of July 2001 to the Estate of BETTY SHEREDAN THOMPSON also known as BETTY THOMPSON deceased late of Martindales Road in the parish of St. Michael in this Island who died in this Island on the 10th day of January 2018 by CLYDE RANDALL THOMPSON the Executor and Trustee named in the said Will of the deceased. | NOTICE NO. 5 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Matter of the Estate of |
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement.MICHAEL T. SPRINGERAttorney-at-Law. | CLEVELAND ADOLPHUS TAYLOR Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- |
NOTICE NO. 4 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh CourtIn the Estate ofBRENDA ODESSA CONLIFFEDeceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated the 20th day of March, 2018 of BRENDA ODESSA CONLIFFE lateof No. 9 Goodland Park in the parish of Christ Church | PROBATE of the Will dated the 30th day of September, 1993 of CLEVELAND ADOLPHUS TAYLOR late of 111 Jasper Road Kingsland Terrace in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died at #111 Jasper Road Kingsland Terrace Christ Church on the 12 November, 2022 by JANE ELIZABETH TAYLOR one of the Executrices named in the Will of the said deceased. |
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of this advertisement. | |
Dated this 19th day of January, 2023. | |
NORMAN O. THOMAS, Q.C.Attorney-at-Law. |
January 19, 2023
NOTICE NO. 6 | York in the United States of America who died at The Brooklyn University Hospital at 445 Lenox Road Brooklyn New York in the United States of America on the 29th day of January 2021, by TANYA MARSHALL the duly constituted Attorney on record of ISAINT CHRISTINA ALEXANDER, the Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of the advertisement. Dated the 19th day of January 2023. DEREK L. DANIELAttorney-at-Law for the Applicant. |
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICECivil Division (Probate) | |
In the Estate of | |
Deceased | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- | |
PROBATE of the Will dated the 16th day of March 2012 of EVANS IRISTON SKINNER, deceased late of 207-61 Jack Crescent, Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3T7, Canada who died at The Grove Nursing Home, Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3M7, Canada on the 23rd day of November 2021 by IAN ERSTON SKINNER one of Executors named in the Will of the deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court after fourteen (14) days from the date of the publication of this Notice. | |
NOTICE NO. 8 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court Probate Division In the Estate of | |
Dated the 16th day of January, 2023. | GEORGE CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS |
YEARWOOD & BOYCEAttorneys-at-Law for the Applicant No. 14 James Street, Bridgetown Barbados. | Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- |
NOTICE NO. 7 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate of GLORIA FELICIA ALEXANDER Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated the 1st day of June 2017 of GLORIA FELICIA ALEXANDER,Deceased late of 921 Lenox Road, Brooklyn New | PROBATE of the Will dated 12th June 2019 of GEORGE CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS late of HallsVillage No. 2, St. James, Barbados who died at Halls Village No. 2, St. James, Barbados on 9th October 2022 by KATHY ANN WILLIAMS, NADIA TASONDA WILLIAMS and RENESHA DANIELLE WILLIAMSthe Executors named in the Will of the Deceased. |
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate. | |
Dated the 19th day of January 2023. | |
DORIA M. MOOREAttorney-at-LawSuite 208, #48 Warrens Court Warrens Industrial ParkSt. Michael. |
January 19, 2023OFFICIAL GAZETTE7
NOTICE NO. 9 | Church in this Island who died at Love and Care Nursing Home Maxwell in the parish of Christ Church on the 16th day of November 2022 by ANDRE COREY CADOGAN the Executor named in the Will of the said Deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. Dated this 19th day of January 2023. LANA R. EDWARDSAttorney-at-Law. |
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court (Probate Division) | |
In the Estate of | |
of Seclusion Road, Black Rock in the parishof St. Michael in this Island | |
Deceased | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters Testamentary namely:- | |
NOTICE NO. 11 | |
PROBATE of the Will dated October 31st, 1995 of OWEN GARNER late of Seclusion Road Black Rock in the parish of St. Michael who died at Seclusion Road Black Rock in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 2nd day of May 2015 at Seclusion Road, Black Rock in the parish of St. Michael in this Island by PATRICIA CECELIA GARNER, the Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court after fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of this advertisement. Dated this 19th day of January 2023. | BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court Probate Division In the Estate of EUSTON LAMONT LASHLEYalso known as EUSTON LASHLEY Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- |
WAVENEY C. GRIFFITHAttorney-at-Law. | PROBATE of the Will dated 27th March 2012 of EUSTON LAMONT LASHLEY also known as EUSTON LASHLEY late of 195 Underhill Avenue, Apt. 5A, Brooklyn, New York in the U. S. A. who died at the Atrium Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in the U. S. A. on 5th April 2021 by RODNEY ORLANDO LASHLEY the alternate Executor named in the Will of the Deceased. |
NOTICE NO. 10 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate of ADDISON CAMPBELL CADOGAN PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated the 22nd day of October 2015 of ADDISON CAMPBELL CADOGANlate of 1078 Kingsland Heights in the parish of Christ | |
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate. | |
Dated the 19th day of January 2023. | |
DORIA M. MOOREAttorney-at-LawSuite 208, #48 Warrens Court Warrens Industrial ParkSt. Michael. |
January 19, 2023
NOTICE NO. 12 | the United States of America, who died at 3450 Big Pine Road, Melbourne, Florida 32934 in the United States of America on the 31st day of December, 2021 by JOYCE CLEO YEARWOOD referred to in the Will of the Deceased as JOYCE CLEO DURRY, one of the Executors named in the said Will of the deceased.An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the publication of this Notice.Dated the 19th day of January, 2023.YEARWOOD & BOYCEAttorneys-at-Law for the Applicant No. 14, James StreetBridgetownBarbados. |
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court Civil Division (Probate) | |
In the Estate of | |
Deceased | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- | |
PROBATE of the Will dated the 17th day of February, 2022 of GLADYS KING also known asGLADYS DELORES KING late of Greenwich Village in the parish of Saint James in Barbados who died at Greenwich Village in the parish of Saint James in Barbados on the 27th day of February 2022 by LEROY VERNON KING of Greenwich Village in the parish of Saint James in Barbados the Executor named in the said Will of the deceased.An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. | NOTICE NO. 14BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate ofMARINA EUGENE AIMES also known as MARINA EUGENE ALLEYNE also known as EUGENE AIMES also known asEUGENE ALLEYNE Deceased |
Dated this 19th day of January, 2023. CHANCERY CHAMBERSAttorneys-at-Law. | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- |
NOTICE NO. 13 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate ofPEARLINE CLEO YEARWOODDeceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated the 2nd day of June, 2006 of PEARLINE CLEO YEARWOOD, lateof 3450 Big Pine Road, Melbourne, Florida 32934 in | PROBATE of the Will dated the 1st day of June 2018 of MARINA EUGENE AIMES alsoknown as MARINA EUGENE ALLEYNE also known as EUGENE AIMES also known as EUGENE ALLEYNE late of Blackmans Tenantry in the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 18th day of October 2022 by SHERRY ALLEYNE the Executor named in the Will of the said Deceased. |
An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of the advertisement. | |
Dated this 19th day of January, 2023. | |
SHARRON E. SMITHAttorney-at-Law. |
January 19, 2023
NOTICE NO. 15 | ERNESTA CRAIGWELL late of Apartment #2-F 1110 Clarkson Avenue, Kings County, Brooklyn, New York 11212 in United States of America who died in the United States of America on the 10th day of October, 2001 by GEOFFREY ST. CLAIR CRAIGWELL, son ofthe deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the second notice of advertisement.Dated the 19th day of January, 2023. NIGEL A. WHITEHALLAttorney-at-Law. |
In the Estate of | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:- | |
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estateof SYLVESTER MARSHALL of School Lane Halls Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 14th day of October 2022 by ANDREA CLARKE who is the spouse of the deceased. | |
An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. | IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate of |
Dated the 19th day of January 2023. LANA R. EDWARDSAttorney-at-Law. | RONALD ANTHONY MAYNARDalso known as RONALD MAYNARDalso known as “NODDY” Deceased |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is intended to be made for the following Letters of Administration namely:- | |
NOTICE NO. 16 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate of ERNESTA ROSETTA CRAGWELLalso known as ERNESTA CRAGWELL also known as ERNESTA CRAIGWELL PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:- LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to theEstate of ERNESTA ROSETTA CRAGWELL also known as ERNESTA CRAGWELL also known as | |
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estateof RONALD ANTHONY MAYNARD also known as RONALD MAYNARD also known as “NODDY” late of #77 Bougainvillea Drive, Mangrove Terrace in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island who died at his home, #11 Bougainvillea Drive, Mangrove aforesaid, on the 23rd day of January 2022 by RENEA DIONNE MAYNARD, the daughter of the said deceased. | |
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of this advertisement. | |
Dated this 19th day of January 2023. | |
ELLIOTT D. MOTTLEY & CO.Attorneys-at-LawStrathclyde St. Michael. |
January 19, 2023
NOTICE NO. 18 | Village in the parish of Saint Michael who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 4th day of November 2022, by CATHY-ANN FORDE who is the Spouse of the deceased.An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of the advertisement. Dated this 19th day of January, 2023. SHARRON E. SMITHAttorney-at-Law. |
In the Estate of | |
Deceased | |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:- | |
NOTICE NO. 20 | |
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to theEstate of VICTOR CARTER also known as VICTOR SYLVESTER CARTER, deceased late of Silver Hill in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died in this Island on the 14th day of December 2021 by KAMEL CARTER who is the Son and Administrator of the Estate of the deceased. | BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court – Civil Jurisdiction In the Estate of |
An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. | GERALD WALDRON also known as GERALD A. WALDRON also known as GERALD ADOLPHUS WALDRON |
Dated the 6th day of January 2023. | Deceased |
STEVE A.H. GOLLOPAttorney-at-Law. | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:- |
NOTICE NO. 19 BARBADOSIN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATUREHigh Court In the Estate ofWINSTON DACOSTA SCOTTalso known as WINSTON SCOTT Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:- LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to theEstate of WINSTON DACOSTA SCOTT also known as WINSTON SCOTT late of School Road, Carrington | |
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estateof GERALD WALDRON also known as GERALD A. WALDRON also known as GERALD ADOLPHUS WALDRON, deceased late of Lot 180 Union Hall Development in the parish of Saint Philip in Barbados who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on the 10th day of August, 2022 by CORA WALDRON the widow of the said deceased. | |
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. | |
Dated the 19th day of January, 2023. | |
GEORGE WALTON PAYNE & CO.Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant. |
January 19, 2023
High Court – Civil Jurisdiction
In the Matter of the Succession Act, Cap. 249 and
In the Matter of the Estate of
also known as ERMINE TEMPRO
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
of ERMIN GERALDINE TEMPRO, Deceased also known as ERMINE TEMPRO, late of Drax Hall Hope in the parish of Saint George in this Island who died in this Island on the 4th day of November 2016 by HAZEL DOREEN KING daughter of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Administration.
Dated the 19th day of January 2023.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as
late of La Vida 125-127 Pierre Road, Felicity in the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
Estate of EILEEN JOYCE DEANE also known as JOYCE DEANE late of La Vida 125-127 Pierre Road, Felicity in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago who died at La Vida 125-127 Pierre Road, Felicity in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the 8th day of November 2022 by GREGORY STEPHEN DEANE
the son of the deceased.
The Registrar will after fourteen days from the date of this advertisement in theOfficial Gazetteproceed with the above named application for Administration.
Dated the 19th day of January, 2023.
12OFFICIAL GAZETTEJanuary 19, 2023
In the Estate of | In the Estate of |
Deceased | Deceased |
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:- | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:- |
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION in theEstate of CYRIL LAMONTE GREENIDGE also known as CYRIL L. GREENIDGE, deceased late of 1345 East 105 Street, Brooklyn, New York 11236 in the United States of America who died at the Montefiore Medical Centre, New York City in the United States of America on the 26th day of June 1995, by LEAUDREY GREENIDGE who is the lawful daughter of the Deceased and a beneficiary of the Estate of the Deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court of Barbados fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. | LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION CUMTESTAMENTO ANNEXO of the Last Will and Testament of the deceased GLADYS HELENA FORDE (nee GLADYS HELENA LAYNE) also known as GLADYS FORDE, deceased late of Wellington Street in the City of Bridgetown in this Island, who died in this Island on the 27th day of June, 1988 by SANDRA JULIETTE SEALY of No. 165 Frere Pilgrim, in the parish of Christ Church in this Island and CLIVE EUCLID LAYNE of No. 215 Crystal Heights in the parish of Saint James in this Island the great Niece and great Nephew of the deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in theOfficial Gazetteand from the date of the second notice of advertisement. |
Dated this 19th day of January, 2023. | Dated the 19th day of January 2023. |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Printed and Published by
the Barbados Government Printing Department
19th January, 2023
Trade Marks Act, Cap. 319
NOTICE is hereby given that it appears to me that the requirements of the Act governing registration of a trade mark have been complied with in respect of the several trade mark applications, particulars of which are set out below.
The respective applicants will be entitled to register the marks after ninety (90) days from the19thday ofJanuary, 2023unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of opposition to such registration.
The mark can be inspected on application at the Intellectual Property Office, Warrens, St. Michael.
Dated this13thday ofJanuary, 2023
Director (ag.)
File No (210): 81/ 021182 Applicant (730): FIL Limited, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda of Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda Filing date (220): 21/11/2005 | Fidelity International |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Financial services; insurance services; investment services; international and domestic fund investment services; discretionary investment management services; investment advisory services; mutual funds and services related thereto; pensions and services related thereto; securities brokerage and services related thereto; banking and services related thereto; trusteeship and services related thereto; portfolio, mutual fund, pension and trust administration services; financial management and planning; financial advice; credit services; investment banking, corporate finance and venture capital services; securities underwriting; derivative and currency exchange services; provision of information, advice and consultancy relating to securities, finance and investments; interactive database information services relating to securities, finance and investments; credit and debit card services; money payment services; provision of secured and unsecured loans; exchanging money in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 021183 Applicant (730): FIL Limited, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Bermuda of Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda Filing date (220): 21/11/2005 |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Financial services; insurance services; investment services; international and domestic fund investment services; discretionary investment management services; investment advisory services; mutual funds and services related thereto; pensions and services related thereto; securities brokerage and services related thereto; banking and services related thereto; trusteeship and services related thereto; portfolio, mutual fund, pension and trust administration services; financial management and planning; financial advice; credit services; investment banking, corporate finance and venture capital services; securities underwriting; derivative and currency exchange services; provision of information, advice and consultancy relating to securities, finance and investments; interactive database information services relating to securities, finance and investments; credit and debit card services; money payment services; provision of secured and unsecured loans; exchanging money in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 021628 Applicant (730): BERTOLUCCI SA, a company organized under the laws of Switzerland of Champs-Montants 16b, 2074 Marin-Epagnier, Switzerland Filing date (220): 04/04/2006 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, jewels, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments in International Class 14 | |
File No (210): 81/ 022739 Applicant (730): GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, United States of America of 1 River Road Schenectady, New York, United States of America. Filing date (220): 13/02/2007 | GE MONOGRAM |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Electric motors and diesel engines for land vehicles; locomotives; motors, engines and gearing for land vehicles and water vessels; driving motors for land vehicles; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles and water vessels; turbines for land vehicles; jet engines for land vehicles; traction engines; airplanes and aircraft; space vehicles; screw- propellers; railway couplings; bogies for railway cars; torque converters for land vehicles in International Class 12 | |
File No (210): 81/ 023101 Applicant (730): AUTOMOBILE CLUB DIBRESCIA, a Company incorporated and registered under the Laws of Italy of Via Enzo Ferrari 4/6, 25134 Brescia, Italy Filing date (220): 11/05/2007 | 1000 MIGLIA |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Precious metals and their alloys, namely, gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, titanium, jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments and parts thereof insofar as the same are included in Class 14 in International Class 14 | |
File No (210): 81/ 023653 Applicant (730): HYUNDAI MOTORCOMPANY, a Korean Company of 231, Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea Filing date (220): 25/09/2007 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Apparatus for locomotion by land, namely, land vehicles, automobiles, namely passenger cars, trucks, motor buses, vans, trailers [vehicles], tractors [vehicles], vehicle wheels, tires for vehicle wheels; engines for land vehicles, safety belts for vehicle seats, transmissions for land vehicles, windows for vehicles, windshield wipers, safety devices for vehicles, namely air bags, parts and fittings for all aforesaid goods insofar as the same are included in Class 12 in International Class 12 |
File No (210): 81/ 023797 Applicant (730): STANNAH STAIRLIFTSLIMITED, a British Limited Liability company of Watt Close, East Portway, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3SD, United Kingdom Filing date (220): 30/10/2007 | STANNAH |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Lifts [other than ski-lifts]; stair lifts; escalators; moving walkways and moving staircases [escalators]; and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods insofar as the same are included in Class 7 in International Class 7 | |
File No (210): 81/ 024137 Applicant (730): Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of Kansas of Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202, Topeka, Kansas 66603, United States of America. Filing date (220): 31/01/2008 | |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Men’s shoes, slippers, sandals and boots in International Class 25 | |
File No (210): 81/ 024689 Applicant (730): KYB Corporation, a company duly incorporated under the laws of Japan of World Trade Center Bldg., 4-1, Hamamatsu- Cho, 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Filing date (220): 05/06/2008 | KYB |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber (not including machine elements); gaskets; junctions for pipes (not of metal); packing; packings for hydraulic cylinders for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packings for hydraulic motors for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packing for hydraulic pumps for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading- unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packing for hydraulic shock absorbers (machine elements not for land vehicles); packing for gas dampers (machine elements not for land vehicles); packing for hydraulic shock absorbers (for land vehicles); packing for gas dampers (for land vehicles); oil seals; oil seals for hydraulic cylinders for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic motors for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading- unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic pumps for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic shock absorbers (machine elements not for land vehicles); oil seals for hydraulic shock absorbers (for land vehicles); seals; seals for gas dampers (machine elements not for land vehicles); seals for gas dampers (for land vehicles) in International Class 17 | |
File No (210): 81/ 024690 Applicant (730): KYB Corporation, a company duly incorporated under the laws of Japan of World Trade Center Bldg., 4-1, Hamamatsu- Cho, 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Filing date (220): 05/06/2008 |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber (not including machine elements); gaskets; junctions for pipes (not of metal); packing; packings for hydraulic cylinders for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packings for hydraulic motors for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packing for hydraulic pumps for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading- unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; packing for hydraulic shock absorbers (machine elements not for land vehicles); packing for gas dampers (machine elements not for land vehicles); packing for hydraulic shock absorbers (for land vehicles); packing for gas dampers (for land vehicles); oil seals; oil seals for hydraulic cylinders for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic motors for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus , loading- unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic pumps for use in mining machines and apparatus, construction machines and apparatus, loading-unloading machines and apparatus, aircraft, vessels and land vehicles; oil seals for hydraulic shock absorbers(machine elements not for land vehicles); oil seals for hydraulic shock absorbers (for land vehicles); seals; seals for gas dampers (machine elements not for land vehicles); seals for gas dampers (for land vehicles) in International Class 17 | |
File No (210): 81/ 024752 Applicant (730): DVF Studio, LLC, a Delaware corporation of 440 West 14th Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 20/06/2008 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in the U.S.A. on March 14, 2008 under the number 77/422,590 | DVF |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Clothing for women, namely, dresses, suits, tee-shirts, skirts, pants, sweaters, vests, sashes for wear, blouses, jackets [clothing], coats; jeans, kimonos, tunics, sleepwear; lingerie, underwear, hosiery, socks and belts [clothing], shoes [other than protective wear], boots [other than for protective wear or medical purposes], sneakers, slippers, hats and scarves in International Class 25 |
File No (210): 81/ 025065 Applicant (730): Chattem, Inc., a Tennessee corporation of 1715 West 38th Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37409, United States of America. Filing date (220): 04/09/2008 | ICY HOT |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Analagesic balm; topical analgesics in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 025102 Applicant (730): Pirelli & C. S.p.A. a company incorporated under the Law of Italy of Via G. Negri 10, Milano, Italy Filing date (220): 12/09/2008 | |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Toys, electronic games; sports games; arcade games; mechanical games; board games; card games; racing car games; balls for games; hand-held computer games; electronic board games; hand held video games; electronic educational teaching games; portable games with liquid crystal displays; games adapted for use with television receivers; puzzles and printed toy figures for use in puzzles and playthings, namely, bath tub toys, children’s wire construction and art activity toys, toy action figures and accessories therefor, namely, but not limited to toy swords, toy hats, toy tools, articles of clothing for toys; board games, card games, pinball games, yo-yos, parlor games; toy vehicles and accessories therefor, puzzle games, namely, positionable printed toy figures for use in puzzles, namely, toy model land, water; and air vehicles and related accessories sold as units; balls for baseball, basketball, beach soccer, football, volleyball, cricket and bowling; gaming apparatus for electronic games, other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; Radio- controlled toy vehicles; portable games with liquid crystal displays; slot machines [gaming machines]; Arcade video-game machines and home video game machines; bags specially adapted for handheld video games, MP3 players; construction kits or sets for building models, comprising toy model vehicles, included in Class 28, but not limited to toy vehicle tyres and wheels, toy decals, toy chassis toy light bars and disc brakes; toy space vehicles, toy space stations, toy large industrial buildings and parts thereof and accessories therefor included in Class 28; toy construction sets in International Class 28 |
File No (210): 81/ 025135 Applicant (730): RCN TELEVISION S.A., acompany duly incorporated and existing under the Laws of Colombia of Av. de las Americas No. 65-82, Bogota, Colombia Filing date (220): 18/09/2008 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours Blue, Orange and Black as shown on the representation of the mark. Translation: The words “NUESTRA TELE” are of the Spanish language and means “OUR T.V.” in the English Language. | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of data and video by means of broad band optical and wireless networks; television broadcasting services; broadcasting services via satellite television, cable television, digital terrestrial television, radio networks, local or global computer networks; broadcasting of television programs, news programs, television news in International Class 38 | |
File No (210): 81/ 025136 Applicant (730): RCN TELEVISION S.A. acompany duly incorporated and existing under the Laws of Colombia of Av. de las Americas No. 65-82, Bogota, Colombia Filing date (220): 18/09/2008 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours Blue, Orange and Black as shown on the representation of the mark. Translation: The words “NUESTRA TELE” are of the Spanish language and means “OUR T.V.” in the English language. |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Entertainment and recreation services, namely, music concerts and sporting events; provision of training and education services via satellite, cable, terrestrial television, radio networks, and local or global computer networks in International Class 41 | |
File No (210): 81/ 026497 Applicant (730): LLADRO COMERCIAL,S.A., a Spanish company of Ctra Alboraya, s/n, Poligono Lladró , 46016 Tavernes Blanques, Valencia, Spain Filing date (220): 25/01/2010 | |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Artistic figurines made of porcelain, ceramic, glass, china; crockery in International Class 21 | |
File No (210): 81/ 026635 Applicant (730): Sisco Textiles N.V. a company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the Netherlands Antilles of Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 14, Willemstad, Curaçao, Netherland Antilles Filing date (220): 19/02/2010 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec 12 of the Act on the basis of an application file under European Union on August 20, 2009 under No. 008499816 |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Magnetic recording media namely, video tapes, audio, CDs, CD-ROMS, interactive CDs, laser disks, optical disks and CDs for photographs; sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; sunglasses; spectacles [optics]; spectacle frames and accessories not included in other classes, namely, lenses for sunglasses, spectacle cords and cases; diving suits; diving goggles and masks for underwater sports; wet and dry suits for diving and underwater swimming; underwater breathing apparatus; protective clothing for aquatic pursuits; life jackets; protective helmets; gloves for protection against accidents; diving gloves; ski goggles; remote control for use with an iPod or iPhone which you strap to your wrist whilst skiing; headphones and an electronic gps product which is sewn into a jacket in International Class 9 | |
File No (210): 81/ 026688 Applicant (730): EVYAP SABUN YAǦ GLİSERİN SANAYİVE TİCARET ANONİMŞİRKETİ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Turkey of Ayazağa Cendere Yolu No: 10, Levent 34396, Istanbul, Turkey Filing date (220): 26/02/2010 Translation: The word “DURU” means “pure, clean, clear, transparent, lucid” in the English language. | DURU |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Cleaning preparations used in laundry, dishwashing and household cleaning, detergents for household use, bleaching lotions, laundry starch, washing soda, blueing for laundry, softeners (Fabric-) for laundry use, bleaching salts, bleaching soda, scale removing substances for household purposes, granulated soap, soaps for personal use, disinfectant soaps, antiperspirant soaps, liquid hand soap, cakes of soap, cleaning preparations for machines, glass cleaners, floor and carpet cleaners, bleaching and polishing preparations [laundry] and polishing preparation, water closet cleaners with a disinfective effect, dishwasher detergents (powder, liquid, compact), dishwasher salts and bleachers, cleaning preparations, perfumes, essential oils, eau de Cologne, lotions for cosmetic purposes, deodorants for personal use and antiperspirant deodorants for personal use, rose oil, shaving creams, shaving foam, shaving soap, after shave, after shave balms, creams (cosmetic-), hair conditioners, hair lotions, styling gels, hair embellishment preparations, hair spray, styling mousse for hair, hair colorants, brilliantine, shampoos, anti-dandruff shampoo, bath foam, bath salts [non-medicated], shower gels, liquid body soap, petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes, baby shampoos, baby lotions, baby oils and gels, anti-rash creams, baby powders, baby soaps, baby wet tissues, toothpaste, mouth washes, not for medical purposes, preparations for cleaning dentures, anti-tartar toothpaste, teeth cleaning and polishing preparations, cotton sticks and cotton wool for cosmetic purposes, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, abrasive cloth, abrasive paper, emery cloth, emery paper, pumice stone, preservatives for leather (polishes), polish for furniture and flooring, cosmetic preparations for body and beauty care, face and body cleaners, cleaning milks, tonics moisturizers, creams, beauty masks, self-tanning creams, anti-wrinkle creams, make-up removers, hand, face and body lotions, powder (make-up), sun-tanning creams, sun-tanning oils, sun-tanning lotions, foundations, blushers, eyeshadows, eyeliners, mascara, eyebrow pencils, lip sticks, lip liners, lip shiners, nail polish, nail varnish, nail polish removers, nail hardeners, depilatory preparations, henna, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, cellulite removing creams, cosmetic kits in International Class 3 | |
File No (210): 81/ 027141 Applicant (730): Daikin Industries, Ltd., a Japanese corporation organized under the laws of Japan of Umeda Center Bldg., 4-12, Nakazaki-Nishi 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan Filing date (220): 06/08/2010 | SUPER MULTI |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Air conditioning apparatus; air conditioning installations; air purifying apparatus and machines; ventilating (air-conditioning) installations and apparatus; air cooling apparatus; space heating apparatus; heating apparatus; heating installations; air humidifying apparatus; dehumidifiers for household purposes; industrial dehumidifiers; water heaters; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods insofar as the same are included in Class 11 in International Class 11 | |
File No (210): 81/ 027563 Applicant (730): Luxottica Group S.p.A., a company duly incorporated under the laws of Italy of Via Cesare Cantu 2, 20123 Milan (MI), Italy Filing date (220): 09/12/2010 | SFEROFLEX |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Sunglasses; spectacles [optics], aesthetic spectacles [optics], protective eyeglasses, sports eyewear; frames for spectacles [optics] and protective masks; parts for spectacles [optics], namely, lenses for sunglasses; lenses for spectacles [optics] and lenses for aesthetic spectacles [optics], earstems and other replacement parts in so far as they are included in class 9, cases and holders for spectacles [optics] and divers’ masks; eyeglass frames; nose pieces for eyeglasses; replacement parts for eyeglasses; chains for eyeglasses; contact lenses and contact lens cases; magnifying glasses [optics]; binoculars; optical apparatus and instruments in International Class 9 | |
File No (210): 81/ 027649 Applicant (730): Beiersdorf AG, a German company of Unnastrasse 48, 20253 Hamburg, Germany Filing date (220): 06/01/2011 |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Bleaching preparations [laundry]; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; dentifrices in International Class 3 | |
File No (210): 81/ 028722 Applicant (730): MONEYGRAM PAYMENTSYSTEMS, INC. a Delaware corporation of 1550 Utica Avenue S. Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 29/09/2011 | MONEYGRAM |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Financing services, namely, electronic funds transfer, electronic credit transaction processing, electronic debit transaction processing, bill payment services; processing payments to third parties, money order services; cheque processing, electronic cheque re-presentment services, issuance of cashable cheques, issuance of bank cheques, cheque verification, electronic remote cheque deposit services, electronic transmission of voice and data for financial transactions; payment services, namely, electronic receipt, batching, processing and transmission of payment data; clearing-house services, banking, credit inquiry and consultation, credit recovery and collection, currency exchange and advice, direct debit services; issuance of debit cards and credit cards; financial agency services for all of the foregoing; financial services; money, currency and payment transfer services; debit card services in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 029542 Applicant (730): PepsiCo, Inc. a company incorporated under the Laws of North Carolina,U.S.A. of 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 21/05/2012 |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Preparations made of sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, flour, and cereals, namely, corn chips, tortilla chips, pita chips, rice chips, rice cakes, rice crackers, crackers, pretzels, puffed snacks, popped popcorn, candied popcorn, peanut chips [confectionery], dipping sauces and salsas, and snack cereal bars; bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry, confectionery, edible ices, honey and treacle, all in the form of ready-to-eat snacks in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030087 Applicant (730): ZHAOQING JUNHONGINDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. a company incorporated and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China of RIVERSITE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HI-TECH DISTRICT, ZHAOQING CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Filing date (220): 10/10/2012 Translation: The translation of the Chinese Characters is “THIS” “QUIET” “SAFE” “ROAD”. | |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Automobile tires [tyres]; treads for retreading tires [tyres]; adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; tires for vehicles wheels; vehicle wheel tires; repair outfits for inner tubes; casings for pneumatic tires [tyres]; inner tubes for pneumatic tires [tyres]; in International Class 12 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030203 Applicant (730): National Flour Mills Limited a company organized and existing under the laws of Trinidad and Tobago of P.O. Box 1154, 27-29 Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad Filing date (220): 06/11/2012 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the words “National, Flour, Mills and Limited” apart from the mark as a whole. |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Fresh fruits and vegetables; grains; live animals; seeds for planting; plants; natural flowers; foodstuff for animals; malt for brewing and distilling in International Class 31 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030280 Applicant (730): Industria de Diseño Textil,S.A. (Inditex, S.A.), a Spanish company incorporated under the laws of Spain of Avenida de la Diputación, Edificio Inditex, 15142, Arteixo (A Coruña), Spain Filing date (220): 27/11/2012 | ZARA HOME |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; fans for personal use, non- electric; pillows; curtain rings; dowels, not of metal; cupboards; lecterns; benches [furniture]; table tops; embroidery frames; bins, not of metal; screens [furniture]; head-rests [furniture]; bins of wood or plastic; chests for toys; beds; trolleys [furniture]; bottle racks; brush mountains; baskets, not of metal; cushions; mattresses; chests of drawers; bamboo curtains; cradles; divans; racks [furniture]; display stands; index cabinets [furniture]; garment covers [storage]; covers for clothing [wardrobe]; furniture fittings, not of metal; bed fittings, not of metal; door fittings, not of metal; window fittings, not of metal; deck chairs; flower-stands [furniture]; dressmakers’ dummies; tables; mobiles [decoration]; wind chimes [decoration]; works of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; umbrella stands; playpens for babies; coat hangers; hat stands; coatstands; desks; magazine racks; sleeping bags for camping; chairs [seats]; armchairs; sofas, keyboards for hanging keys; stools; infant walkers; corks for bottles; high chairs for babies; curtain holders, not of textile material; air pillows, not for medical purposes; air cushions, not for medical purposes; air mattresses, not for medical purposes; stair rods; yellow amber; animal horns; pet cushions; beds for household pets; kennels for household pets; claws (animal -); animal hooves; bedsteads of wood; bamboo; fishing baskets; vice benches, not of metal; work benches; library shelves; hinges, not of metal; reels of wood for yarn, silk, cord; bottle casings of wood; sideboards; busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; costume stands; letter boxes, not of metal or masonry; trestles [furniture]; lockers; bedding, except linen; hydrostatic beds, not for medical purposes; bed casters, not of metal; spring mattresses; settees; reeds [plaiting materials]; loading pallets, not of metal; house numbers, not of metal, non-luminous; filing cabinets; wax figures; wickerwork; hampers [baskets]; fire screens, domestic; bottle closures, not of metal; closures, not of metal, for containers; shelves for filing-cabinets [furniture]; containers, not of metal [storage, transport]; corks; curtain hooks; curtain rails; curtain rollers; curtain rods; packaging containers of plastic; steps [ladders], not of metal; medicine cabinets; statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; display boards; flower-pot pedestals; meat chests, not of metal; coathooks, not of metal; signboards of wood or plastics; counters [tables]; furniture of metal; office furniture; Door handles, not of metal; indoor window blinds [shades] [furniture]; writing desks; book rests [furniture]; showcases [furniture] in International Class 20 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030285 Applicant (730): Industria de Diseño Textil,S.A. (Inditex, S.A.), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Spain of Avenida de la Diputación, Edificio Inditex, 15142, Arteixo (A Coruña), Spain Filing date (220): 27/11/2012 | ZARA |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; assistance services for business management or commercial functions for an industrial or commercial company; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; promotion services provided by a commercial company by issuing store service cards to clients; modelling services for sales promotions or advertising purposes; edition of advertising texts; shop-window dressing; assistance services for the operating of a commercial company on a franchise basis; product demonstration; sales promotion (for third parties); sales at public auctions; shopping centre promotion and management services; assistance services for the commercial functions of a business consisting in processing orders through global communications networks; import-export agencies; on-line advertising on a computer network; supplying services to third parties (purchasing of products and services for other companies); distribution of samples; computerized file management; public relations; commercial information agencies; advertising agencies; rental of vending machines; renting of advertising space; dissemination of advertising matter; business management assistance; data search in computer files (for others); compilation of information into computer databases; transcription; publicity columns preparation; commercial or industrial management assistance; business management of performing artists; direct mail advertising; updating of advertising material; document reproduction; marketing studies; bill- posting, outdoor advertising; opinion polling; systemisation of information into computer databases; publication of advertising texts; sales agencies and arranging sales services; wholesale and retail services by any means; the bringing together for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in International Class 35 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030316 Applicant (730): TRANSATLANTICHOLDINGS, INC. a US company duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of 80 Pine Street, New York 10005, United States of America Filing date (220): 10/12/2012 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Insurance services, namely, property and casualty insurance, reinsurance underwriting and reinsurance administration services, insurance administration services in the field of property and casualty in International Class 36 |
File No (210): 81/ 030394 Applicant (730): Sanofi Pasteur Limited /Sanofi Pasteur Limitée, a Canadian company of 1755 Steeles Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario M2R 3T4, Canada Filing date (220): 28/12/2012 | MENOMUNE |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations; vaccines in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030518 Applicant (730): Cobra Brands (Pty) Ltd a company organised and existing under the laws of South Africa of 20 Wright Street, Factoria, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South AfricaFiling date (220): 11/02/2013 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims theexclusive right to the use of the words “SOUTHAFRICAN” apart from the mark as a whole. | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Suite 205-207 Dowell House,Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets, Bridgetown Class (511): Unwrought and partly wrought common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; metal chains (except driving chains for vehicles); cables of metal (non- electric); metallic pipes and tubes; metal hardware for plumbing purposes; valves of metal (other than parts of machines) in International Class 6 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030869 Applicant (730): EYGN Limited, a company incorporated under the Bahamas of One Montague Place, East Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas Filing date (220): 28/05/2013 |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Financial affairs; financial management, assistance, advice, consultancy, information and research services; tax advisory services; tax and duty consultation services; tax accounting services; tax performance advisory services; financial cross border advisory services; transfer pricing and tax effective supply chain management services; insolvency services [change to “financial business insolvency services”]; investment services; financial valuation services; corporate financial consulting; corporate asset valuation; financial valuation of real and personal property; financial analysis and consultation, namely, restructuring of bankrupt companies; insurance consultation, namely, insurance regulatory support and advisory services; intellectual property valuation services; real estate affairs; services relating to real estate, namely appraisal of real estate; provision of financial information; insurance; provision of financial information; investment services; capital investment advisory services; including all of the aforesaid services provided electronically or online from a computer database or via the Internet; financial analysis; clearing (financial); financial sponsorship; trusteeship; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); business liquidation services (financial); financial services relating to monetary affairs; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030870 Applicant (730): CORPORACION HABANOS,S.A,. a Cuban company of Avenida 3ra, No. 2006 entre 20 y 22, Miramar, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba Filing date (220): 29/05/2013 Translation: The word “VEGUEROS” is a Spanish word and it is the plural for the word ‘VEGUERO’.”Veguero” means belonging or related to ‘vega’. ‘Vega’ meaning ‘lowland’/’fertile, bearing offspring, fruitful abundant’ in the English Language. | |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Tobacco, namely, cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, cut tobacco for pipes; smokers’ articles, namely, ashtrays, cigar-cutters, matchboxes, cigar cases; matches in International Class 34 |
File No (210): 81/ 030891 Applicant (730): DELTA AIR LINES, INC., acorporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Filing date (220): 07/06/2013 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colour Red as shown on the representation of the mark. | |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Air transportation services; air transportation services providing a program for bonus awards and incentive for frequent air travel, transit lounge facilities for passenger relaxation, a specialized priority airline service with reservation services, enhanced airport ticketing processing, expedited call waiting procedures, priority check-in, priority lobby check-in, dedicated service center and club lanes for elite passengers, priority and expedited security processing of travelers for air transport, expedited gate handling and aircraft boarding services, enhanced seating accommodations, enhanced personal space including specialized entertainment, computer connections, enhanced meal services and voucher values for elite passengers, priority baggage delivery, providing enhanced and expedited customer service responses for elite passengers for air transport in International Class 39 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030893 Applicant (730): DELTA AIR LINES, INC., acorporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Filing date (220): 07/06/2013 | ENDEAVOR AIR |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Air transportation services; air transportation services providing a program for bonus awards and incentive for frequent air travel, transit lounge facilities for passenger relaxation, a specialized priority airline service with reservation services, enhanced airport ticketing processing, expedited call waiting procedures, priority check-in, priority lobby check-in, dedicated service center and club lanes for elite passengers, priority and expedited security processing of travelers for air transport, expedited gate handling and aircraft boarding services, enhanced seating accommodations, enhanced personal space including specialized entertainment, computer connections, enhanced meal services and voucher values for elite passengers, priority baggage delivery, providing enhanced and expedited customer service responses for elite passengers for air transport in International Class 39 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030908 Applicant (730): Intermix (ITM) Inc., a California corporation of 2 Folsom Street, San Francisco, California 94105, United States of America Filing date (220): 12/06/2013 | INTERMIX |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Clothing, namely, tee-shirts, tops, shirts, blouses, sweaters, vests, pants, jeans, shorts, dresses, skirts, jackets, blazers, suits, coats, outdoor winter clothing, rainwear, sleepwear, swimwear, beachwear, loungewear, maternity clothing, athletic clothing, exercise clothing, jogging suits, sweatshirts, hosiery, socks, underwear, undergarments, clothing accessories, namely, belts, scarves; footwear [excluding orthopedic footwear]; headwear in International Class 25 | |
File No (210): 81/ 030909 Applicant (730): Intermix (ITM) Inc., a California corporation of 2 Folsom Street, San Francisco, California 94105, United States of America Filing date (220): 12/06/2013 | INTERMIX |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Advertising; business management; business administration services, namely, business administration relating to retail services; retail store services featuring clothing, footwear, headwear, clothing accessories, bags, leather goods, sunglasses and eyeglasses, jewelry, hair accessories, cosmetics, toiletries, fragrances, personal care products, stationery, giftware, toys, games and sporting equipment; Online retail store services featuring clothing, footwear, headwear, clothing accessories, bags, leather goods, sunglasses and eyeglasses, jewelry, hair accessories, cosmetics, toiletries, fragrances, personal care products, stationery, giftware, toys, games and sporting equipment; promoting the goods and services of others by placing advertisements and promotional displays on an electronic site accessible through a computer network; on-line ordering services in the field of a wide variety of general merchandise; mail order catalogue services featuring general merchandise and general consumer goods; customer incentive, reward and loyalty programs in connection with all the foregoing; loyalty card services namely, promoting goods and services by means of a loyalty reward card scheme in International Class 35 | |
File No (210): 81/ 031482 Applicant (730): DENSO-Holding GmbH & Co. a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Germany of Felderstrasse 24, 51371 Leverkusen, Germany Filing date (220): 28/11/2013 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours blue, black and white as shown on the representation of the mark. |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Insulators and insulation materials for protecting installations, buildings, components, pipelines, tubes, pipes and containers from heat and cold; plastic and elastic sealant compounds for pipes of stoneware, cement, concrete, metal or plastic; plastic and elastic stopping compounds and seals for buildings, installations, pipelines, tubes, pipes and components, including for sealing against each other, and for joint sealing; natural and synthetic rubbers and plastic substitutes therefor, and mixtures of the aforesaid materials with each other, especially in the form of coatings, of liquids, of compounds, of mastics, of pastes, of emulsions and of dispersions, of profiles, of binders, of hands, of strips, of foils, of cords, of flexible pipes, of tubes, of sheets, of tapes and of solid and foam rings, all for the protection of buildings, for insulation and for stopping leaks; mixtures of natural and synthetic rubbers and plastic substitutes therefor with bituminous materials, especially in the form of coatings, of liquids, of compounds, of mastics, of pastes, of emulsions and of dispersions, of profiles, of binders, of bands, of strips, of foils, of cords, of flexible pipes, of tubes, of sheets, of tapes and of solid and foam rings, all for the protection of buildings, for insulation and for stopping leaks; sealing materials in the form of casings of plastic or plastic substitutes for buildings, installations, pipelines, tubes, pipes or for components, in particular for those in contact with fresh water and/or salt water, the aforesaid casings in particular made from high density polyethylene; sealing materials in the form of pastes in International Class 17 | |
File No (210): 81/ 031578 Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc. a company organised and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States Filing date (220): 30/12/2013 |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets, Bridgetown Class (511): Toys, games and sporting goods, namely basketballs, golf balls, playground balls, sports balls, rubber action balls and foam action balls, plush balls for games, plastic balls for games, basketball nets, basketball backboards, miniature basketball backboards, pumps for inflating basketballs and needles therefore; golf clubs, golf bags, golf putters, golf accessories, namely, divot repair tools, tees, ball markers, golf bags covers, club head covers, golf gloves, golf ball sleeves, golf putting greens; billiard cue racks, billiard balls, billiard ball racks, dart board cabinets, electronic basketball table top games, basketball table top games, basketball board games, action skill games, adult’s and children’s party games, trivia information games and electronic video arcade game machines, basketball kit comprised of a net and whistle, dolls, decorative dolls, collectible dolls, toy action figures, bobblehead action figures, stuffed toys, plush toys, jigsaw puzzles, toy building blocks, Christmas tree ornaments and Christmas stockings; toy vehicles in the nature of cars, trucks, trains and vans, all containing basketball themes, novelty foam toys in the shapes of fingers and trophies, toy trophies, playing cards, card games, toy noisemakers, pet toys; beach toys, namely, beach balls, inflatable balls, toy pails, toy shovels, sand toys, sand box toys, water-squirting toys; pool accessories, namely swim floats, pool floats, toy water rafts, foam floats, swim rings, pool rings, foam rings, body boards, surf boards, swim fins, surf fins, arm floats and water wing swim aids, all for recreational use; volleyball game kits comprised of ball, net, sidelines and whistle, and water polo game kits comprised of ball, net and whistle; decorative cloth wind socks in International Class 28 | |
File No (210): 81/ 031579 Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc. a company organised and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States Filing date (220): 30/12/2013 |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207, Dowell House, Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets, Bridgetown Class (511): Entertainment and educational services in the nature of ongoing television and radio programs in the field of basketball and rendering live basketball games and basketball exhibitions; the production and distribution of radio and television shows featuring basketball games, basketball events and programs in the field of basketball; conducting and arranging basketball clinics and camps, coaches clinics and camps, dance team clinics and camps and basketball games; entertainment services in the nature of personal appearances by a costumed mascot or dance team at basketball games and exhibitions, clinics, camps, promotions, and other basketball-related events, special events and parties; fan club services; entertainment services, namely providing a website featuring multimedia material in the nature of television highlights, interactive television highlights, video recordings, video stream recordings, interactive video highlight selections, radio programs, radio highlights, and audio recordings in the field of basketball; providing news and information in the nature of statistics and trivia in the field of basketball; on-line non-downloadable games, namely, computer games, video games, interactive video games, action skill games, arcade games, adults’ and children’s party games, board games, puzzles, and trivia games; electric publishing services, namely, publication of magazines, guides, newsletters, coloring books, and game schedules of others on-line through the Internet, all in the field of basketball; providing an online computer database in the field of basketball in International Class 41 | |
File No (210): 81/ 031746 Applicant (730): Volvo Truck Corporation a company organized and existing under the laws of Sweden of SE-405 08 Göteborg, Sweden Filing date (220): 06/03/2014 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, namely trucks and parts thereof in International Class 12 |
File No (210): 81/ 031749 Applicant (730): Volvo Truck Corporation, a company, organized and existing under the laws of Sweden of SE-405 08 Göteborg, Sweden Filing date (220): 06/03/2014 | |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles, namely, toy trucks and scale model vehicles in International Class 28 | |
File No (210): 81/ 032906 Applicant (730): Louis Vuitton Malletier, a company duly formed and existing under the laws of France, of 2 rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 PARIS, France Filing date (220): 06/02/2015 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in France on August 8, 2014 under the number 14 4111064 | APOGÉE |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing and scouring preparations, cleaning preparations, oils for cleaning purposes, preservatives for leather (polishes), leather bleaching preparations, polishing creams, creams for leather, shoe cream, shoe polish, polishes, shoemakers’ wax; perfumery; perfumes; toilet water; eau de parfum; eau de Cologne; bases for perfumes; extracts of flowers [perfumes]; essential oils; air fragrancing preparations; potpourris [fragrances]; incense; cosmetic preparations for skin and lips care; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; lotions for cosmetic purposes; beauty masks; hand, face and body cosmetic preparations; hair care preparations; hair straightening preparations; hair lotions; hair decolorant preparations; hair dyes; creams or gels for fixing the hair styling; hair spray depilatory creams; depilatory wax; shaving preparations; shaving soap; shaving foam; aftershaves; sunscreen preparations for cosmetic use; sun-tanning preparations for cosmetic use; self-tanning preparations for cosmetic use; toiletries; dentifrices; soaps; shampoos; shower gels; bath gels; bath oils; bath salts; bath foam; bath pearls [for cosmetic use]; talcum powder for toilet use; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; deodorants; make-up preparations; lipsticks; mascara for lashes; rouge; make-up powder; eyeshadow; make-up pencils; make-up removing preparations; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; temporary tattoos for body and nails; make-up kits; preparations for the care and beautification of nails; nail polish; nail protectors; nail polish removers; false nails for hands and feet; false nails kits; adhesives for false nails in International Class 3 | |
File No (210): 81/ 033142 Applicant (730): Nissan Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.) a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan of No. 2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa- ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan Filing date (220): 02/04/2015 | |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Accident insurance underwriting; brokerage for hire-purchase; credit and cash card services; financial information; financing services; issuance of credit cards; used automobiles appraisal; insurance of land vehicles; Extended warranty services, namely, service contracts to cover repair and maintenance for new and used land vehicles and their structural parts and fittings therefor; Extended warranty insurance services; factoring; lending against security; loans [financing]; automobile lease financing in International Class 36 |
File No (210): 81/ 033406 Applicant (730): Hallmark Cards, Incorporated a company duly organized and existing under the laws of Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America of 2501 McGee Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States of America Filing date (220): 15/07/2015 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): jewelry in International Class 14 | |
File No (210): 81/ 033850 Applicant (730): BERGER INTERNATIONALLIMITED, a Singapore company of 22 Benoi Sector, Singapore 629854, Singapore Filing date (220): 23/10/2015 | ROYALE SATIN |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Paints in International Class 2 | |
File No (210): 81/ 033932 Applicant (730): Apple Inc., a California corporation, of 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California 95014, United States of America Filing date (220): 16/11/2015 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Jamaica on May 18, 2015 under the number 067176 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “Music” apart from the mark as a whole. | APPLE MUSIC |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael
Class (511): Educational services; arranging, organizing, conducting, and present seminars, workshops, classes, webinars, conferences, online instruction, and distance learning programs; arranging, organizing, conduction, and presenting concerts, live performances, entertainment special events, arts and cultural events, theatrical entertainment, competitions, contests, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, expositions, and sporting events; production distribution, and presentation radio programs, television programs, motion pictures, sound recordings; providing ongoing television, radio audio, video podcast, and webcast program; providing entertainment, sports, music, informational, news and current events programming by means of telecommunications networks, computer networks, the internet, satellite, radio, wireless communications networks, television, and cable television entertainment services, namely, providing streamed and downloadable audio and video content to users through a subscription service provided online via a communication network; provision of live entertainment and recorded entertainment, namely musical performances; providing non- downloadable audio and video programming featuring entertainment, sports, music, informational, and current event news programming; providing websites and computer applications featuring entertainment information, namely, sports information, music information, news in the fields of music and entertainment, and arts and culture information; providing websites and computer applications featuring information in the field of entertainment, music, sports, news, and arts and culture; providing online non-downloadable computer games, electronic games, interactive games, and video games; providing information, schedules, reviews and personalized recommendations, of educational programs, entertainment, motion pictures, theatre, arts and cultural events, concerts, live performances, competitions, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, expositions, and sporting events; ticket reservation and booking services for educational programs, entertainment, motion pictures, theatre, arts and cultural events; publication and presentation of reviews surveys, and ratings, and providing interactive websites and computer applications for the posting and sharing of reviews, survey, and ratings relating to educational programs, entertainment, motion pictures, theatre, arts and cultural events, concerts, live performances, competitions, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, expositions, and sporting events; providing on-line non- downloadable ringtones, pre-corded music, video, and graphics for use on mobile communications devices; providing a website for the uploading, storing, sharing, viewing posting of images, audio, videos, online journals, blogs, podcasts, and multimedia content; publication of books, periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, manuals, blogs, journals, and articles, all in the field of music and entertainment; providing websites and computer applications featuring books, periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, manuals, blogs, journals, and other publications; new reporting; electronic and online library services; providing non- downloadable computer software for use in connection with the fitness and exercise; providing websites and computer applications featuring information in the field of fitness and exercise; digital imaging services; creation of visual effects and graphics for others in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 034061 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Frozen entrees consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry or vegetables; dried fruits; snack food comprised primarily of dried fruit and including grains, nuts, seeds, candy and/or chocolate; olive oil in International Class 29 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034062 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House,Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets, Bridgetown Class (511): Frozen entrees consisting primarily of pasta or rice; pasta sauces and marinades; salad dressings; salsa; chocolate; pretzels; pizza; candy; cookies; breakfast cereals; tea; coffee; vinegar; unpopped popcorn; iced-tea in International Class 30 |
File No (210): 81/ 034063 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Pet food and edible pet treats in International Class 31 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034064 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Beverages, namely, lemonade and fruit drinks in International Class 32 |
File No (210): 81/ 034071 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | NEWMAN’S OWN |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Frozen entrees consisting primarily of pasta or rice; pasta sauces and marinades; salad dressings; salsa; chocolate; pretzels; pizza; candy; cookies; breakfast cereals; tea; coffee; vinegar; unpopped popcorn; iced-tea in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034072 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | NEWMAN’S OWN |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Pet food and edible pet treats in International Class 31 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034073 Applicant (730): NO LIMIT, LLC a Limited Liability Company organized under the Laws of Connecticut of One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT 06880, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/12/2015 | NEWMAN’S OWN |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Beverages, namely, lemonade and fruit drinks in International Class 32 |
File No (210): 81/ 034185 Applicant (730): Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH a company incorporated under the laws of Germany of Alfred-Nobel-Str. 10, 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Filing date (220): 02/02/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Germany on December 04, 2015 under No. 30 2015 061 679.6 | EMPHASIO |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): pharmaceutical preparations for inhalation for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034187 Applicant (730): Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH a company incorporated under the laws of Germany of Alfred-Nobel-Str. 10, 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Filing date (220): 02/02/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Germany on December 04, 2015 under No. 30 2015 061 676.1 | AMPHELIO |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): pharmaceutical preparations; preparations for inhalations for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in International Class 5 |
File No (210): 81/ 034190 Applicant (730): Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH a company incorporated under the laws of Germany of Alfred-Nobel-Str. 10, 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Fed.Rep Filing date (220): 02/02/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Germany on December 04, 2015 under No. 30 2015 061 678.8 | TENOSPIRA |
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): medical instruments; medical apparatus for facilitating the inhalation of pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in International Class 10 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034469 Applicant (730): Universal Protein Supplements Corporation dba Universal Nutrition, a corporation organised under the laws of New Jersey, United States of America of 3 Terminal Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, United States of America Filing date (220): 14/04/2016 Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word, “NUTRITION”, apart from the mark as a whole. | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-At-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Nutritional Supplements in International Class 5 |
File No (210): 81/ 034480 Applicant (730): Howard Johnson, International, Inc. a Company incorporated and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A. of 22 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 19/04/2016 | HOWARD JOHNSON |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Hotel services; motel services; restaurant services; bar services; catering services; making reservations and bookings for temporary lodging in International Class 43 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034483 Applicant (730): Signia GmbH a Limited Liability Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Germany of Henri-Dunant- Str. 100, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Filing date (220): 20/04/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed on December 23, 2015 under European Union trademark Application No. 014953418 | Life sounds brilliant. |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations for treating ear-related illnesses; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; ear drops in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034484 Applicant (730): Signia GmbH a Limited Liability Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Germany of Henri-Dunant- Str. 100, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Filing date (220): 20/04/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed on December 23, 2015 under European Union trademark Application No. 014953418 | Life sounds brilliant. |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Software for hearing instruments; wireless transmission and receiving devices, particularly for hearing instruments; batteries; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound, images and/or data; magnetic data carriers; data processing equipment; computers; data processing programs; electronic publications [downloadable]; data media in International Class 9 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034486 Applicant (730): Signia GmbH a Limited Liability Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Germany of Henri-Dunant- Str. 100, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Filing date (220): 20/04/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed on December 23, 2015 under European Union trademark Application No. 014953418 | Life sounds brilliant. |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Retail, wholesale, online and mail order retail services for pharmaceutical preparations for treating ear-related illnesses, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, ear drops, software for hearing instruments, wireless transmission and receiving devices, particularly for hearing instruments, batteries, apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound, images and/or data; particularly for hearing instruments, magnetic data carriers, particularly for hearing instruments, data processing equipment and computers, particularly for hearing instruments, data processing programs, particularly for hearing instruments, electronic publications [downloadable], data media, devices for hearing- impaired persons, namely, hearing instruments, hearing aids, prosthetic hearing devices, audiometers, components and parts of the above-mentioned goods as well as accessories for the above-mentioned goods in International Class 35 |
File No (210): 81/ 034489 Applicant (730): Signia GmbH a Limited Liability Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Germany of Henri-Dunant- Str. 100, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Filing date (220): 20/04/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed on December 23, 2015 under European Union trademark Application No. 014953418 | Life sounds brilliant. |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Audiology services; medical advisory services for persons relating to restricted hearing capacity; medical services in audiological diagnosis in International Class 44 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034500 Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc. a corporation operating and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of Olympic Tower – 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America Filing date (220): 22/04/2016 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “SACRAMENTO” apart from the mark as a whole. | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Clothing, namely, hosiery, Tee-shirts, shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, pants, tank tops, jerseys, shorts, pajamas, sport shirts, rugby shirts, sweaters, nightshirts, warm-up suits, warm-up pants, warm-up tops, jackets, wind resistant jackets, parkas, coats, baby bibs not of paper, wrist bands, aprons, undergarments, boxer shorts, slacks, ear muffs, gloves, mittens, scarves, woven and knit shirts, jersey dresses, dresses, cheerleading dresses and uniforms, swim wear, bathing suits, swimsuits, bikinis, tankinis, swim trunks, bathing trunks, board shorts, wet suits, beach cover-ups, bathing suit cover-ups, bathing suit wraps, swim caps, headbands, belts [clothing], neck ties; footwear [excluding orthopaedic footwear], namely, basketball shoes, basketball sneakers, slippers, sandals, beach sandals; headwear, namely, beach hats, hats, visors [headwear], caps, sun visors [headwear], novelty headwear with attached wigs in International Class 25 |
File No (210): 81/ 034701 Applicant (730): Seprod Limited a company incorporated under the laws of Jamaica of 3 Felix Fox Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica Filing date (220): 23/06/2016 | GOLDEN GROVE |
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): sugar [other than for medical purposes], molasses for food namely, brown sugar, raw sugar, powdered sugar; confectionery in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034905 Applicant (730): WD-40 MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the State of California, United States of America of 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110, United States of America Filing date (220): 03/08/2016 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours yellow, black and grey as shown on the representation of the mark. | |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes, cleaner for metallic surfaces in International Class 3 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034910 Applicant (730): The Cartoon Network, Inc. a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the State of Delaware, USA of 1050 Techwood Drive, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 08/08/2016 |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Broadcasting services via wire, cable, satellite, radio, the internet, wireless networks and other electronic communications networks; streaming of video and audio content via the internet, wireless networks and other electronic communication networks; providing video and audio content via video-on-demand transmission services; providing online forums; providing internet chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of entertainment in International Class 38 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034946 Applicant (730): Lionhead Books Inc., a Barbadian company incorporated under the companies Act Cap, 308 of the laws of Barbados of Chimborazo, ST. JOSEPH, Barbados Filing date (220): 12/08/2016 | |
Class (511): board games in International Class 28 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034964 Applicant (730): JOHNSON & JOHNSON, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A. of One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08933, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 19/08/2016 | ERLEADA |
Agent (740): MESSRS. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations for human use in International Class 5 |
File No (210): 81/ 034968 Applicant (730): British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the United Kingdom of Globe House, 4 Temple Place, London WC2R 2PG, Great Britain Filing date (220): 23/08/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an Andora Application filed February 24, 2016 under No. 30.481 | |
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products namely, smoking tobacco, pipe tobacco, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco, cigars, cigarillos, snuff tobacco, kretek; lighters for smokers; matches; smokers’ articles namely, pipes, cigarette holders, cigarette paper, cigarette filters, ashtrays for smokers, humidors, cigar cutters, tobacco pouches and pocket machines for rolling cigarettes in International Class 34 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034969 Applicant (730): JOHNSON & JOHNSON, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A. of One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08933, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 23/08/2016 | TELASAGE |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations for human use in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034983 Applicant (730): JOHNSON & JOHNSON, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A. of One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08933, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 24/08/2016 | ERLYAND |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations for human use in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034989 Applicant (730): BFY Brands, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A. of 79 Industrial Place, Middletown, New York 10940, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/08/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in the United States of America on February 29, 2016 under No. 86/923649 | OUR LITTLE REBELLION |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Bean-based snack foods; Potato-based snack foods in International Class 29 | |
File No (210): 81/ 034990 Applicant (730): BFY Brands, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A. of 79 Industrial Place, Middletown, New York 10940, United States of America Filing date (220): 29/08/2016 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in the United States of America on February 29, 2016 under No. 86/923649 | OUR LITTLE REBELLION |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Corn-based snack foods; Grain-based snack foods; Rice-based snack foods; Wheat-based snack foods in International Class 30 |
File No (210): 81/ 035103 Applicant (730): SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the Republic of Korea of 129, Samsung-Ro Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea Filing date (220): 07/10/2016 | SAMSUNG |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Drugs for medical purposes; medicines for human purposes; veterinary preparations; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; protein dietary supplements; vitamin preparations; adjuvants for medical purposes; medicines for dental purposes; tonics [medicines]; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; fungicides; herbicides in International Class 5 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035313 Applicant (730): The Coca-Cola Company a corporation organized and existing under the laws of United States of America of One Coca- Cola Plaza, (30313) – Atlanta – Georgia – U.S.A. Filing date (220): 16/12/2016 | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages in International Class 32 |
File No (210): 81/ 035323 Applicant (730): Columbia Insurance Company a Nebraska Corporation of 1314 Douglas Street, Suite 1400, Omaha, Nebraska 68102-1944, United States of America Filing date (220): 30/12/2016 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to various shades of Pantone PMS 7659 C as shown on the representation of the mark. | |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Real estate services; real estate administration; real estate appraisals; real estate consultancy; real estate brokerage; real estate agencies; real estate management; commercial real estate agency services; provision of information relating to real estate; advisory relating to real estate; providing information relating to real estate affairs via the internet in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035327 Applicant (730): Amazon Technologies, Inc. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 30/12/2016 | |
Agent (740): Chancery Service Marks Ltd., Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Scientific and technological services and research anddesign relating thereto; computer hardware, software, application, and network consulting services; computer programming; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer services, namely remote hosting of operating systems and computer applications; providing a virtual computing environment accessible via the Internet; rental of computing and data storage facilities of variable capacity; providing software, non- downloadable, accessible over a global computer network, for managing computer applications; constructing an Internet platform for electronic commerce; designing, managing and monitoring online forums for discussion; creating web pages for online services and the Internet; data warehousing; rental of web servers; website maintenance, creation and hosting services; application service provider, namely, providing, hosting, managing, developing and maintaining applications, software, websites and databases in the fields of e-commerce, online payments, order queuing, website design, data storage, shared computing capacity scaling, messaging services and calculation of website ranking based on user traffic;consultancy services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and |
control, computer programing, hardware, software and computer system design, specification and selection and electronic communication; editing, updating, maintenance and support services for
hardware, software and computer systems; computer services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and control, research, database management, facilities management and outsourcing; computer services, namely hosting a computerized online search and ordering service featuring the wholesale and retail distribution of music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, videos and DVDs, and other household and consumer goods; hosting an online service for analyzing personal preferences and generating recommendations; computer services, namely hosting an online database featuring a wide range of general interest information via the Internet; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining general interest information; hosting an interactive database for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, videos and DVDs, and other household and consumer goods, product reviews and purchase information on the Internet; industrial analysis and research services; providing online non-downloadable Internet browser software; providing non- downloadable mobile communications device software for enhancing mobile access to the Internet via computers, mobile computers, and mobile communications devices; technical support, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems and mobile computer and mobile communications device hardware and software problems; computer hardware and software consultation and design; hosting ofthird party content, photos, videos, text, data, images, web sites and other electronic works; providing search engine services; interactive hosting services which allow users to publish and share their own photos, videos, text, data, images online; computer services, namely, creating virtual communities for users to participate in discussions, obtain feedback, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking; maintenance and updating of software relating to computer, Internet and password security and prevention of computer, Internet and password risks; computer software installation and maintenance; providing a website featuring technical information relating to computer software and hardware; document data transfer from one computer format to another; hosting of digital content on global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; providing search /platforms to allow users to request and receive, content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing-temporary use of non- downloadable computer software and online facilities to enable users to access and download computer software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software that generates customized recommendations of software applications based on user preferences; monitoring of computerized data and computer systems and networks for security purposes; Hosting, scaling and maintaining online databases for others; cloud computing featuring software for use in database management; cloud hosting of electronic databases; application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in database management; platform as a service (P AAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in database management; software as a service (SAAS) featuring software for use in database management; computer services, namely, providing database servers of variable capacity to others; providing a website featuring non-downloadable software for database management; providing hosted operating systems and computer applications through the Internet; rental of computing and data storage facilities of variable capacity; providing, developing and designing software, non-downloadable, accessible over a global computer network, for managing computer applications; constructing an Internet platform for electronic commerce;
designing, managing and monitoring online forums for discussion; creating electronically stored web pages for online services and the Internet; data warehousing; elaboration and maintenance of websites for third parties; managing websites for others; rental of web servers; website maintenance, creation and hosting services; hosting a website that gives users the ability to review various print, photographic, graphic image, and audio and video content and utilize a custom template to provide input, likes, dislikes, edits, changes, modifications, opinions, suggestions, and comments and engage in social, business and community networking; computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking all in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software and applications for accessing streaming audio and video files, games, social networks, text files and multimedia files; developing and maintaining computer hardware and software for providing integrated telephone communication with computerized global information networks, including parts and accessories therefor; developing and maintaining downloadable software for accessing and managing of computer applications over a global computer network; developing and maintaining character recognition, electronic mail and messaging software; video and computer game design and development services; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software development tools for the design and development of electronic games; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software and applications for accessing streaming audio and video files, games, social networks, text files and multimedia files; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of software problems; application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in relation to visual images, namely, software for digital animation and special effects of images, video games, and motion pictures; application service provider (ASP) featuring application programming interface (API) software including such software for the streaming, storage, and sharing of video games, content, data and information; providing non-downloadable software applications; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable/cloud computing software for use in electronic storage of data; computer software development in the field of mobile applications; application service provider (ASP), namely, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, and websites, in the fields of personal productivity, wireless communication, and mobile; providing technical support services regarding the usage of communications equipment; creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, to share content, photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works, and engage in social networking in International Class 42 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035328 Applicant (730): Amazon Technologies, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 30/12/2016 |
Agent (740): Chancery Service Marks Ltd., Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; provision of information relating to entertainment; publication of books and periodicals; providing online non- downloadable electronic publications; publication of electronic books and periodicals; publication of material on magnetic or optical data media; publication of music online; rental of videos, audio recordings and games; distribution of radio and television entertainment, games, films, music, interactive advertising; hire, leasing and rental of television, television time shift, or radio apparatus, games, films, interactive television programs and/or services, sound or video recordings; distribution or rental of motion pictures; rental of apparatus for receiving cinematographic films, sound or video; provision of information in the field of entertainment online; organization of competitions; providing online information relating to entertainment, business, news or education; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); entertainment services, namely movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, graphics, animation, and multimedia presentations, and other audiovisual works viewable over computer networks and global communication networks; providing databases featuring general news and information; rental services, namely, rental of cinema films, documentary films, motion pictures, films, sound recordings, multimedia presentations, electronic books and publications, video recordings; musical recordings, multimedia recordings, and video and computer games; providing information, reviews and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment; providing information relating to contests and games; providing recognition and incentives by way of awards and contests; providing a website that allows users to review screenplays; movies, television shows, graphic images, storyboards and entertainment properties; providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable publications in the field of entertainment; providing reviews for television, movies, and entertainment; providing a website featuring non-downloadable audio and video content; consultancy in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry; provision of information relating to entertainment; publishing of books, magazines, periodicals, literary works, visual works, audio works, and audiovisual works; providing online computer games; providing information, news, articles and commentary in the field of education and educational institutions; education services in the nature of classroom instruction and online remote learning; interactive educational services in the nature of computer- based and computer- assisted instruction; movie, television, radio and other video and audio production and studio services; editing, scriptwriting, dubbing, and music composition services; providing information online relating to computer games and computer enhancements for games; consultancy in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry in International Class 41 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035329 Applicant (730): Amazon Technologies, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 30/12/2016 |
Agent (740): Chancery Service Marks Ltd., Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown, Barbados Class (511): Telecommunications; providing online electronic bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users in the field of consumer product information; webcasting services; delivery of messages by electronic transmission; telecommunication services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video and multimedia content files via computer and other communications networks; audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts and radio programs; wireless broadband communication services; text and numeric providing access to an interactive database of information concerning consumer goods, product reviews and purchase information on the Internet; electronic transmission of information and data; providing access to online directories, databases, current events websites and blogs, and online reference materials; streaming audio, visual and audiovisual material via the Internet; transmission of webcasts and podcasts; providing online services that enables users to access and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files,,documents and electronic works; providing video on-demand transmission of computer games; providing directories for telephone numbers business addresses electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of people, places, and organizations; information access, and remote data management for wireless delivery of content to handheld computers, laptops and mobile electronic devices; transmission of audio, video, and data by electronic means in the nature of computer, cable, radio, teleprinter, teleletter, telephone, mobile phone, electronic mail, microwave, laser beam, communications satellite or electronic communications means in International Class 38 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035333 Applicant (730): Amazon Technologies, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 30/12/2016 | |
Agent (740): Chancery Service Marks Ltd., Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown, Barbados Class (511): Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; credit card services; electronic transaction services; pre-paid purchase card services, namely, processing electronic payments through pre-paid cards in International Class 36 |
File No (210): 81/ 035394 Applicant (730): Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. a company incorporated under the laws of China of 1760 Jiangling Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Filing date (220): 25/01/2017 | Lynk&CO |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): electric vehicles; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; mopeds; automobile chassis; motorcycles; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; automobiles; gear boxes for land vehicles; tires for vehicle wheels; brakes for vehicles in International Class 12 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035395 Applicant (730): Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. a company incorporated under the laws of China of 1760 Jiangling Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Filing date (220): 25/01/2017 | Lynk&CO |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): construction consultation; masonry, upholstering; air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle breakdown repair services; vehicle washing; vehicle battery charging; vehicle service stations [refuelling and maintenance] in International Class 37 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035396 Applicant (730): Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. a company incorporated under the laws of China of 1760 Jiangling Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Filing date (220): 25/01/2017 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours black, grey, blue and silver as shown in the representation of the mark. |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): electric vehicles; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; mopeds; automobile chassis; motorcycles; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; automobiles; gear boxes for land vehicles; tires foe vehicle wheels; brakes for vehicles in International Class 12 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035457 Applicant (730): E. & J. Gallo Winery a company incorporated under the laws of California, United States of America of 600 Yosemite Boulevard, Modesto, California, 95354, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 09/02/2017 | J VINEYARDS |
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): alcoholic beverages (except beers) in International Class 33 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035517 Applicant (730): Attractions of (Barbados) Inc., a company incorporated under the Laws of Barbados of Suite 201, Building #4, Harbour Business Park, Bridgetown, Barbados Filing date (220): 24/02/2017 | |
Class (511): entertainment in International Class 41 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035674 Applicant (730): Isuzu Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Isuzu Motors Limited) a company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Japan of 26-1, Minami-Oi 6-Chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8722, Japan Filing date (220): 13/04/2017 |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Consultancy services in the field of transport; Providing information relating to vehicle operation management; Car transport; Providing information relating to car transport; Provision of road and traffic information; Packaging services; Freight brokerage; Cargo handling; Brokerage for rental, selling, purchasing or chartering of vessels; Warehousing services; Rental of Loading-unloading machines and apparatus; Car rental; Services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to four-wheeled road vehicles bodies, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to automobile bodies; Services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relatingto four-wheeled road vehicle bodies, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to truck bodies; Services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to four-wheeled road vehicle bodies, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to bus bodies; Services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to four-wheeled road vehicle specifications, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to automobile specifications; Services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to four-wheeled road vehicle specifications, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relatino to truck specifications: Services consisting of thephysical storage of blueprints and data relating to four-wheeled road vehicle specifications, namely services consisting of the physical storage of blueprints and data relating to bus specifications in International Class 39 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035697 Applicant (730): CHURCH & DWIGHT CO.,INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware of 500 Charles Ewing Boulevard, Ewing, New Jersey 08628, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 20/04/2017 | BEST DEFENSE |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): toothpaste; mouth wash in International Class 3 |
File No (210): 81/ 035701 Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc., a corporation operating and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of Olympic Tower – 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America Filing date (220): 21/04/2017 Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “INDIANA” apart from the mark as a whole. | |
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown Class (511): Entertainment and educational services in the nature of ongoing television and radio programs in the field of basketball and rendering live basketball games and basketball exhibitions; the production and distribution of radio and television shows featuring basketball games, basketball events and programs in the field of basketball; conducting and arranging basketball clinics and camps, coaches clinics and camps, dance team clinics and camps and basketball games; entertainment services in the nature of personal appearances by a costumed mascot or dance team at basketball games and exhibitions, clinics, camps, promotions, and other basketball-related events, special events and parties; fan club services; entertainment services, namely providing a website featuring non-downloadable multimedia material in the nature of television highlights, interactive television highlights, video recordings, video stream recordings, interactive video highlight selections, radio programs, radio highlights, and audio recordings in the field of basketball; providing news information in the nature of statistics and trivia in the field of basketball; on-line non-downloadable games, namely, computer games, video games, interactive video games, action skill games, arcade games, adults’ and children’s party games, board games, puzzles, and trivia games; electronic publishing services, namely, publication of magazines, guides, newsletters, coloring books, and game schedules of others on-line through the Internet, all in the field of basketball; providing an online computer database in the field of basketball in International Class 41 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035711 Applicant (730): Banca Sella Holding S.P.A., a company incorporated under the laws of Italy of Piazza Gaudenzio Sella 1, 13900 Beilla, Italy Filing date (220): 26/04/2017 | Banca Sella |
Agent (740): Sir Trevor Carmichael, Q.C., Attorneys-at-Law, Chancery Chambers, Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown Class (511): banking services; financial forecasting; financial analysis and financial asset management; capital investment services; brokerage services in the field of futures, commodities, securities, currencies and financial instruments; trading of financial instruments; electronic financial trading services; providing financial information, including information in the field of futures, commodities, securities, currencies and financial instruments, brokerage, trading, investments, companies, financial markets and indices; financial securities and commodities exchange services; provision of financial information in electronic form relating to market quotations, trade executions, trading in financial instruments in the nature of offers and trades; providing financial pricing information relating to trade execution in International Class 36 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035717 Applicant (730): Woodland Radicle Limited a limited liability company incorporated in Barbados under the Companies Act Cap. 308 of the Laws of Barbados of Woodland Great House, St. George, Barbados Filing date (220): 26/04/2017 Translation: The word ‘RHUMBA’ is of Spanish language origin and this word means dance in the English language. | RHUMBA |
Agent (740): Mrs. Makala K. Broome, Atttorney-at-Law, “Ingleside’, Cnr. 7th Avenue Belleville & Pine Road, St. Michael Class (511): Alcoholic beverages, except beer; spirits [beverages]; rum, namely, white rum, dark rum, rum spirit drinks; liqueurs; rum [alcoholic beverages]; rum-based beverages; rum liqueurs; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; alcoholic cocktails in the form of chilled gelatins; alcoholic cordials; alcoholic essences; alcoholic extracts; alcopops; rum punch; pre- mixed alcoholic beverages other than beer; prepared alcoholic cocktails in International Class 33 |
File No (210): 81/ 035724 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 Translation: The words “MANITA DE LA SUERTE” are the Spanish Language and mean “LUCKY HAND” in the English Language. | MANITA DE LA SUERTE |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorney-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035725 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 | VERO MANGO |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar,, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 |
File No (210): 81/ 035726 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 | RICOLINO |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035727 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 | RELLERINDO |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 |
File No (210): 81/ 035728 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 | RICOFIESTA |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bead, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035729 Applicant (730): GRUPO BIMBO, S.A.B. deC.V. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Mexico of Av. Prolongación, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, 4to. Piso, Colonia Peña Blanca Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de México, Mexico Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 | PALERINDA |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice in International Class 30 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035742 Applicant (730): La Aurora, S.A., a Company duly organized and existing under the laws of the Dominican Republic of Parque Industrial Tamboril, Carretera Santiago Tamboril KM 5, Guazumal Santiago, Dominican Republic Filing date (220): 04/05/2017 | BIGFOOT |
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): cigars in International Class 34 | |
File No (210): 81/ 035746 Applicant (730): DIAGEO SCOTLANDLIMITED a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the United Kingdom of Edinburgh Park, 5 Lochside Way, Edinburgh EH12 9DT, Great Britain Filing date (220): 08/05/2017 | |
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Alcoholic beverages, except beers in International Class 33 |