Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (2025)

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The Druid is one of the most versatile classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, and you can improve the class even further. They are a primary spellcaster class focusing on healing spells and elemental combat magic.

It’s difficult to make a Druid build without the right feats. Here are the best Druid feats to choose in BG3.

Table of Contents
  • When Do Druids Gain Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • The Best Spellcasting Feats for Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • The Best Warrior Feats for Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Best Stats for Druids in BG3

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When Do Druids Gain Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3

Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (1)

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you get Feats at levels 4, 8, and 12, giving you access to three over the course of the game.This will give you several chances to enhance your Druid protagonist or further empower Halsin. Still, you should probably decide which aspect of the character you will focus on first: improving their magical skills or their physical combat abilities.

The Best Spellcasting Feats for Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3

Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (2)

As primary spellcasters, Druids have a wide range of spells, as they’re great healers (though not as potent as Clerics), have buffing spells, possess elemental attack magic, and are some of the best monster summoners in Baldur’s Gate 3. This means that a magic-focused Druid is a force to be reckoned with.The best spellcasting Feats for the Druid class in Baldur’s Gate 3are:

  • Ability Improvement: This Feat gives you two points to add to your stats. As the Druid uses Wisdom as their spellcasting stat, you have to use Ability Improvement, as no other Feats will boost it. If your Wisdom is 17, you should boost it by one and improve another stat by one if it will increase its modifier. This is because the stat modifier for 18 and 19 is the same. With this method, you should improve your Wisdom to 18, and when you hit level 8, increase it to 20.
  • Elemental Adept: This Feat lets your spells ignore resistance of a damage type you choose, and you can no longer roll a 1 when using spells of that type. Druids receive many powerful elemental attack spells, so it’s best to focus on Fire, Cold, or Lightning, to bypass enemy resistance in combat.
  • War Caster: This Feat gives you Advantage on Concentration Saving Throws and lets you spend your Reaction to cast Shocking Grasp on opponents moving out of your melee range.Many Druid spells require concentration in terms of AoE offense and buffing, so improving your ability to maintain concentration is key. The Shocking Grasp benefit is also useful, considering how often Druids enter the front lines of combat.

The Best Warrior Feats for Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3

Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (3)

Druids are also great at getting into the thick of things, mostly thanks to their Wild Shape ability, which allows them to transform into powerful beasts. A melee Druid build is more than viable, especially thanks to the extra health provided by Wild Shape. The best warrior Feats for the Druid class in Baldur’s Gate 3are:

  • Alert – This Feat gives +5 to Initiative rolls and prevents you from being surprised.If you’re going to rely on Wild Shape in battle, then you’ll need to be able to access your animal form as quickly as possible, which Alert can help with.
  • Durable: This Feat gives you a point of Constitution and lets you regain full hit points on a Short Rest. If you use Wild Shape a lot, this Feat is valuable, as you restore uses of Wild Shape from a Short Rest, making it easier to spam the ability. With Durable, you’ll get even more benefits from a Short Rest, especially after a hard battle, allowing you to focus your healing magic on the other party members.
  • Tavern Brawler- This Feat lets you double your Strength modifier when attacking and damaging enemies with attack rolls using an unarmed attacks. This might not seem like a great pick, but Wild Shape attacks are considered unarmed, so you’ll gain the bonus when attacking in your animal form.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3: What’s The Level Cap?

The Druid subclasses are split between improving magic (Circle of the Land), improving Wild Shape (Circle of the Moon), and turning into a boss from The Last of Us (Circle of Spores). Your choice of Feat will help you improve your combat focus by making your magic more potent or making Short Rests more appealing to encourage the use of Wild Shape.

Best Stats for Druids in BG3

Here’s what we consider to be the best stat breakdown for Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3

  • Strength – 10
  • Dexterity – 17
  • Constitution – 12
  • Intelligence – 10
  • Wisdom – 16
  • Charisma – 10

Druids are fantastic classes in BG3 that can dish out plenty of damage with exceptional shapeshifting abilities. Check out our complete Druid class breakdown guide here for more tips and tricks.

About the author

Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (4)

Cande Maldonado

Though Cande started her journey in the video game industry as a localization specialist six years ago, she soon realized that her true calling was to annoy NPCS, smash virtual pottery, and complete every side quest available in RPGs. Throwing that useless degree out of the window, she has been writing professionally for the past three years ever since. Her passion for games dates to 2006, when she mounted a Chocobo for the first time. Under Nintendo and Square Enix's chokehold, she will willingly pour hours upon hours into reaching 100% completion in the longest roleplaying games ever made. But hey, who needs fresh air and sunlight when you can just live in Ivalice?

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Update: 2024-07-30

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Best Feats for Druids in Baldur's Gate 3 (2025)
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